
Breast Enlargement With Lift

Breast Enlargement

Breast Augmentation plus Breast Lift (mastopexy) is a procedure during which the plastic surgeon inserts breast implants to enlarge the breasts and performs breast lifts (mastopexy) to raise the nipples and/or improve the shape of the natural breasts. Dr. Perrotta, Dr. Luppens, and Dr. Kerestes have decades of experience with this combination of procedures. For the convenience and privacy of their patients, they perform the majority of these cases in the state-of-the-art operating room suite located inside the Salisbury office complex.

Goals Of A Breast Enlargement With Lift

Candidates For Breast Enlargement With Lift

What to Expect at your Consultation

After a focused physical examination, your surgeon will provide preliminary recommendations and explain what you can expect from surgery.

Once your surgeon determines his surgical plan, our aesthetic coordinator will produce a written quote, which lists all costs of your proposed surgery so that there are no surprises. At that time, an appointment is set for your pre-op visit.

Pre-Op Visit

Much is covered during your pre-op visit. First, one of our highly trained medical assistants will take pre-op photos. Next, your surgeon will explain the surgical technique to you and thoroughly inform you as to what you can expect, including any potential complications. Note that all procedures involve some risk, but major complications are rare. Dr. Perrotta, Dr. Luppens and Dr. Kerestes will then obtain a more complete medical history from you and perform a final pre-op physical examination, including a check of your vital functions to ensure that you are physically fit for surgery. All informed consents for surgery will be filled out at this appointment and final payments are due at this time. You will be notified 24 hours prior to your surgery with your arrival time.

Breast Enlargement with Lift Procedure

Dr. Perrotta, Dr. Luppens, and Dr. Kerestes perform breast enlargement plus lifts on an outpatient basis under IV sedation and local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

The design of the incisions varies but usually includes an incision around the nipple-areolar complex. Beyond this, and depending on your anatomy and the severity of droop, there can be some variability. If your surgeon determines a donut mastopexy is best for you, you will not need any other incisions. If he determines a lollipop lift is for best for you, he will need to make another incision extending from the circular incision around the nipple areola complex down to the fold under the breast. If he determines an anchor scar is needed, he will add a curved, horizontal incision along the fold.

In most cases, our surgeon raises the nipple-areolar complex, removes the excess skin, and reshapes the breast, which together provides a more pleasing contour and youthful position. He will also insert implants to enlarge the breasts as well.

After he closes the wounds, the surgical team applies the dressings and either a specialized bra or ace bandages

Post-Op Recovery

You can go home the same day wearing the dressings and the bra or ace bandages.

You will leave the bra or ace intact until you are instructed to change the dressing.

​Any initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication. You can resume light activities in about 5-10 days.

​After your procedure, you will follow up with us several times so that we can monitor your healing.


Ideal candidates are women with small or uneven breasts, those experiencing breast sagging due to pregnancy or weight loss, and women seeking to enhance both the size and position of their breasts.

Initial results are noticeable immediately, but the final results develop as swelling subsides and the breasts settle into their new shape over several months.

While breast lifts and augmentation offer long-lasting results, aging, gravity, and weight changes can affect longevity. Checkups are recommended regularly to monitor implants and breast health.

Pre-surgery, follow all specific instructions from your surgeons, including adjustments to medication and fasting. Post-surgery, adhere to recovery protocols such as wearing recommended support garments and managing activity levels to aid healing.

Expect 5-10 days of recovery downtime before resuming light activities. Common side effects include discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication, and temporary changes in nipple sensation. Significant complications are rare.

The consultation will involve discussing your aesthetic goals and examining your physical condition. The procedure combines breast augmentation with a lift tailored to your anatomy using different surgical techniques. Recovery involves wearing specific dressings and a support bra or bandages, with follow-up visits to ensure proper healing.

In downtown Salisbury, Maryland, conveniently located 2 hours outside of Baltimore & Philadelphia is the main office of Peninsula Plastic Surgery, a truly comprehensive plastic surgery center.

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